
Written all over your face: An improved AI model for recognizing facial expression

Written all over your face: An improved AI model for recognizing facial expression

Happiness doesn't follow success: it's the other way around

Work hard, be successful, then you will be happy. At least that's how many of us were taught by our parents, teachers, and peers.

Universal unions

Being an employee is a threat to your freedom. But as long as firms exist, mandatory unions are the basic guarantee of freedom.

Work imitates life

Here is a utopian workplace with rooftop gardens, therapists and nap time. Can the employee escape?

Digital star camera

Algorithms create your profiles. What they're saying? You probably don't have a right to know

The misconception about flexible working hours

The 9 to 5 exemption was originally a feminist project. So how did this become part of the oppressive culture of working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Road works

The era of austerity has changed work, but what it means to be a man hasn't caught up

Slaves or indentured servants

Incentives, Rewards, Bonuses, and Social Experience—Roman Slave Owners Were the First Management Theorists

Marriage calculation

Women with money and education tend to get married in America. Why are working class women not like this?

How to distinguish persuasion from manipulation

How to distinguish persuasion from manipulation

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The Infoprom company specializes in testing the psychological and physiological state of employees using video controls.


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