The level, intelligence quotient (IQ) of the applicant is often the most important indicator of testing when applying for a job where the intellectual abilities of the future employee are necessary.
The innate intelligence of a person, his level of aikyu (iq - intelligence coefficient) plays a huge role in the life of children and adults. Their adaptation: in society, in various life, including crisis situations; it helps to solve daily problems and tasks, build up knowledge, skills and abilities, creating and improving the acquired intellect.
The innate intelligence of a person is formed mainly under the influence of biological determinants (genetics), on the basis of the individual architectonics of the cerebral cortex. In this sense, individual development, already at early age stages, is accompanied by the development of a single general intellectual ability.
It is not associated with the assimilation of any specific knowledge, skills, abilities or the development of any particular mental function (sensory, motor, etc.).
Numerous studies show that as a result of brain injuries and in the process of biological aging, innate intelligence suffers first of all, with greater stability of the so-called acquired human intelligence, which can remain intact until old age.
Acquired intelligence is a product of the assimilation of various types of perceptual (perception) and motor skills and develops on the basis of innate intelligence in the process of playing, educational and professional activities; in the process of education and communication, assimilation of cultural values.
Its development is determined both by the specifics of education and by some personal characteristics (interests, value orientations, motivation, peculiarities of individual development of memory, attention, etc.).
Thus, the first step is to find out the level of your innate, genetically determined intelligence, and only then, you can talk about acquired intelligence, which can be easily developed in both children and adults.
R. Cattell has developed an intellectual test, which is designed to measure the level of a person's innate intelligence. It belongs to the category of so-called "free from the influences of upbringing and culture" tests.
The main psychodiagnostic value of such methods lies in the ability to evaluate a predominantly biologically determined (innate) component of the intellectual potential, which does not depend on the subsequent influences of the cultural environment (upbringing, education, purposeful training).